Thursday, February 1, 2007

Catching Up, Again!

Friday morning Kaden and I went to a Leche League Group meeting first the first time just to get some ideas about trying to get back to nursing and to also meet some new people in the area. There were quite a big group there. Mothers with at least two or three kids. It was loud with all the noises from the kids, but it was still an enjoyable time to spend with other mothers.

Saturday Jimmie mom and brother came over and spent the night. It was a little rough with all the snow we've been getting but it was fun time to spend together. Sunday morning they also went with us to try out a new church in town. It was a Reformed Church, and we weren't exactly sure what to expect. It was ok, a little questionable seemed too flowery and showy at times.

Monday night I was able to attend my first community band rehearsal! I was so excited about it. I was able to find the group through another organization that had already had their auditions for the concert season. But I was directed to this one where there were no auditions, you just showed up to play. So I did. I think I did pretty well considering I hadn't played in a big group like that in about four years. There were some tricky parts, but I'll manage. Now all I need to do is find some practice time at home. The nest performance is on the 19th, and we only have two more rehearsal before then.

Tuesday we took Kaden back to the doctor for his weight check. Yay!!! He gained a pound and a half, he now weighs 12 lbs. 12 oz. We were so excited to see that he had gained sufficient amount of weight in two weeks.

Yesterday, Mindy's mom watched Kaden for me because on Monday I started to develop a cold and I really didn't want Kaden to get it. Plus I needed the rest. Unfortunately, it was a little late. While he was over there, she said his nose was runny but it was clear. So maybe it was allergies. Then this morning I tried cleaning it out with the suction bulb and it looked a little green. So I'm not sure what he has right now. Hopefully he doesn't have my cold.

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Jimmie, Alyssa, Kaden, and Benjamin