Thursday, March 22, 2007


Tuesday I forgot to post about Kaden's 6 month well check at the doctor's. He's grown sufficiently since the last time we saw her (aka January). He weighs 14 lbs. 2 oz, 26 3/4 in long, and a head circumference of 43 cm. He's still a little guy, but that's ok. head circumference and length were both on the percentile curves, however, his weight was still a little under the curve. She also heard a slight heart murmur, but assured us that it is very common for children his age to get them. Just to make sure that it isn't anything to worry about, we are seeing a cardiologist on Wednesday. Other than that he is still eating large amounts, 40 oz a day, with two feedings of fruits mixed with cereal. He is also getting very good at moving around and scooting. Not actually crawling just yet, but rocking on his hands and knees more. here are a few pictures and a video to give you an idea.

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Jimmie, Alyssa, Kaden, and Benjamin