Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sorry About My Lack of Posting

So I guess I'm a bit behind on blogging; 7 months behind! Here's what has happened in those few months that made me seem like I had fallen off the face of the earth. Over Labor Day weekend, we went to San Antonio to visit my family, ended up staying for a week, Jimmie got a job offer. When we got back to Michigan, we almost had the chance to leave earlier than planned, but decided to wait until after Benjamin was born and stick it out with our lease of the apartment. October 25, Benjamin was born. Then 10 days later we moved to San Antonio. The kids and I stayed with my mom while Jimmie was traveling for work, then on the 15 he return to Michigan to get all of our things out of the apartment and U-hauled it down to our new house that we are renting from my grandparents; this house has been in the family for over 50 years. Christmas was a lot of fun. Kaden was trying to figure out the whole tearing open the presents thing. We tried to get him to take a picture with Santa at the mall but he was a little freaked out about that. However, Benjamin was totally relaxed (and sleeping)see pictures below.

Someone Doesn't Like This
Shhhhhh! The Baby's Sleeping

New Year's was also fun. Jimmie and I went to my aunt and uncle's house to watch one of the last football games before super bowl. My uncle is a die hard Giants fan. Kaden got his hair cut in December as well, unfortunately I can't find the pictures right now. He only got a trim, you can kind of see it in the Santa pictures. Also in January, we found out at Benjamin's 2 month check up that he has plagiocephaly which is a condition characterized by an asymmetrical distortion (flattening of one side) of the skull. It is a common finding at birth and may be the result of a restrictive intrauterine environment. The unusual head shape in plagiocephaly is caused by pressure in the womb giving a "diamond" shaped head when seen from above. So the doctor referred us to a neurosurgeon to see if the is anything we can do for it. April 10 i was finally able to go to that appointment. Turns out that he would need a special helmet that will relieve the pressure of the flattened side of his head so that his head can grow into the symmetrical shape that it should be. This past Monday, I went to get his head molded for his helmet, I we should be getting it fitted within two weeks. I think it looks really cute from the pictures that I've seen of kids wearing it. Plus there were like 20 different designs that I could choose from to kind of decorated with. I chose the wild jungle animals, so cute! I'll try to remember to post some pictures of it when we get fitted. He will have to wear it for about 2-4 months (24/7 except when taking a bath) depending on how well he progresses. Kaden is starting to talk, his vocabulary is growing almost every day. Words that he can say right now: uh-oh(first word), ma ma, da da, bubba, wow, yay, bye-bye, night night, all gone, hi, please(the newest one today).

Kind of a side note: My 92-year-old grandfather is not doing too well. Last Thursday he had a stroke and has been in the hospital unconscious ever since. They had to put a feeding tube in on Saturday so that he could get some nourishment. He was moved out of ICU but I called to check today and it doesn't look like he's doing any better.

I will try harder to keep up with blogging so that the next time we visit Longview, people wouldn't be out of the loop on some things in our lives. ;)

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Jimmie, Alyssa, Kaden, and Benjamin